Database and CRM for Associations
Struggling to manage and gain insight into your member data? Your association can benefit from a personalized CRM database which will enable your team to access all your data in one place, simply and easily.
You'll start your data transformation with an audit to define your ideal experience, detail your business goals, design an initial data structure, development of personalized interfaces (optional to what is available out-of-the-box) and finally personalizing reports for your association.
After your data transformation you will be compliant with legislation such as CASL and PIPEDA and can trust your data through rigorous built-in data integrity protocols.
Over the last 15 years providing database services out of Ottawa we have worked with organizations such as the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters, Business Council of Canada and CropLife Canada to deploy both public facing data driven websites and secure CRM portals.
Schedule your no-obligation audit and let's start your database transformation journey.

Say hello to your new CRM. Consolidate all your data so it becomes easy to manage. Secure and multi-directional (multiple people can update data without losing integrity).
Save time.
Manage, organize and search through vast amounts of data quickly. Save time through automation and built-in tools to make your life simpler.

Your members will be able to self-serve and keep their own data updated, reducing the need for your team to do everything. Self-service is compartmentalized and only available on the dataset you define.
Data integrity.
Reduce errors through built-in and automated data validation, including protocols defined by your association.

Gain visual insights from your CRM with built-in visual reports and summaries. You're in full control of personalized reports as defined by your associations' business needs.
How do we deliver on association CRM promises? By leveraging years of experience supporting associations of various types and sizes which enabled us to develop Members Village.
The foundation of our association management software Members Village provides you an out-of-the-box solution which is secure, reliable and very flexible - ensuring you get exactly what you want.
It's a pretty sweet database tool for your association. We designed Members Village with intention and clarity - so that you save time and have a great experience.
Get an idea of the costs of implementing a database for your association.
Schedule your free audit to see how we can help.